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This weekend was my Grandma Cecil’s 94th Birthday. Grandma has slowed down considerably over the past couple of years. I understand that is normal for a woman in her 90’s but it never seemed possible for Grandma Cecil. She has been the quintessential Midwest Farmer. Work, work, work and when you are done working….work some more. She is easily confused these days but her essence is still firmly in tack. She asked me the best question….she said, “Do you still cook a lot?” I answered yes and then she said the even better thing, “That’s good, don’t get out of the habit.” I laughed a big-hearted laugh and she laughed with me. It was funny because…..One….it was totally a Grandma Cecil thing to say….Two…it was profound without meaning to be.

We talk so much about breaking bad habits. As a coach, my goal is to help clients focus on replacing bad habits with good habits. The more good habits we add to our lives….the more quickly the bad habits tend to fade. I suspect Grandma Cecil has known this all along and it is maybe one of her secrets to living 94 good years.

What about you? Are you focusing on the good habits you have already OR are you only beating yourself up for the bad habits you want to break? Do you think of the simple things like cooking as a good habit?

In celebration of ‘Grandma Wisdom’ everywhere, let’s share our good habits in the comments. Keep it simple. Let’s see how many goods we have that we don’t want to get out of the habit of….